Hello friends today we will see how we can earn money using smartphone by just playing games. This is one of the easiest method to earn money while we have enjoyed our self playing games.
Here we will see the top 3 best games to earn money using smartphone.
So here not getting into too much details let's see the Top 3 games to earn money which works in 2020.
1. Winzo Gold
Winzo gold is one of the most popular games in Android. This game involves multiplayer gameplay only which can be played with random players online.
Rules to play winzo gold :
1. You need to fill the wallet with some amount.
2. There are various games in this platform like board games, racing games, adventure games, memory games and so on.
3. Choose a game and deposit a amount which you prefer.
4. Wait for sometime so that the players online will join the game with you.
5. Play the game and if you win you will get all the the deposited amount by the other players else if you lose your amount it will be lost.
6. You can also earn money by referring this game to your your friends.
How to download winzo gold click here ЁЯСЗ
Use Refer Code: TEC1276E ( Get Rs.50 as joining Bonus )
2. Royal Fish Hunter
The royal fish hunter is one of the the most interesting game to earn easy money. This game doesn't require any investment. You can earn money if you you lose the game also because the amount is based on the ad watch time which will be displayed in between the game play.
You can withdraw the amount using PayPal and Google play.
To download royal fish hunter click here ЁЯСЗ
3. Queeda:
Queeda Is similar to winzo gold. All the steps mentioned in winzo gold includes here.
Main main advantage of using queeda is it has dual player mode so the chance of winning is 50%. It has various games like dice, connect etc. You can also show participate in competitions like essays, proverb, poem and so on.
You can and also earn money using the referral system by referring this application to your your friends.
To download Queeda use the link below ЁЯСЗ
Hope you liked this article on how to earn money playing games online using your Android smartphone, In next article we c see how to earn money just by watching videos.
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